Thursday, December 27, 2012

And we're off!

Despite a number of complications travelling up to our starting location, the first day of the bike trip has finally arrived, and we're about to set off.  This leg might be one of the toughest of the entire trip, as it's a mountainous region full of steep inclines.  Last night we got in at 3:30am, much later than was expected, as our 500km drive that'd normally take around 10 hours ended up taking twice as long!  Sleep deprivation aside, however, we're up and ready to go!


  1. Hello,
    I just heard about the project. What are the news? Did you made it happen? How it was?

    1. Yeah - we're in the mist of travelling around the country now, and it's going great. I'm posting updates as often as I can, and they will appear on the home page in the order of most-to-last recent post.
